African Sambo Confederation

  • Dalil Skalli
    Dalil Skalli President
  • François MBASSI
    François MBASSI Secretary general
Contacts 1er etage, Complexe Sportif Mohamed V, porte N° 10 Maarif, Casablanca, Maroc. +212522362770
  • Benin
    Benin Beninese Sambo Federation
  • Botswana
    Botswana Mixed Martial Arts Botswana
  • Burundi
    Burundi Burundi Sambo Federation
  • Central African Republic
    Central African Republic Central African Sambo Federation
  • Egypt
    Egypt Egyptian Sambo Association
  • Ghana
    Ghana Ghana Sambo Association
  • Republic of the Congo
    Republic of the Congo Congolese Sambo Committee
  • South Africa
    South Africa Sambo Federation of South Africa

SAMBO  history in Africa started in 1987 when Mr. Dalil Skalli now President of  African   SAMBO Confederation  (CAS) initiated the national committee of Morocco on  SAMBO. 

That year one of the first World cups was held in Casablanca (Morocco) where by winning 2 gold and 1 bronze medals Moroccan national team took third place. In 2003, the Committee renamed itself the  SAMBO  Federation of Morocco.

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