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- Requirements of the Registered Testing Pool, whereabouts submission and use of ADAMS
Requirements of the Registered Testing Pool, whereabouts submission and use of ADAMS
The Whereabouts system allows FIAS, National Anti-Doping Organization and other testing agencies to test some athletes with no advanced notice. For those athletes who are included to FIAS Registered Testing Pool/ FIAS Testing Pool it means that they must submit their whereabouts into the ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administrative Management System)!
Remember: athletes can be tested any time, any place. If you are asked to provide Whereabouts information and do not do so, you risk receiving a Whereabouts Failure and a ban from sport.
What you need to know about Whereabouts.
If you are in a Testing Pool you must provide your quarterly Whereabouts information in ADAMS by 23:59 on the 15 December (Q1), 15 March (Q2), 15 June (Q3), and 15 September (Q4).
For athletes on the Registered Testing Pool (RTP), you must provide the following information:
- Overnight accommodation
- 60-minute timeslot
- Regular activities, such as training, work, or school
- Competitions
- Mailing address
For athletes on the Testing Pool, you must provide all the above, except for the 60-minute timeslot.
You must ensure that you provide clear instructions so that you can be easily located. For example, if your house/flat is in a rural area or not particularly obvious to a visitor, further guidance may be needed for the Doping Control Officer to find you. Access/buzzer codes, security numbers, hotel room numbers or side doors must be detailed in the ‘Additional Information’ section on ADAMS.
Add all your regular overnight residences to your ADAMS address book - this will allow you to make changes easily.
Whilst competing you must always include the competition title and the venue’s location on your Whereabouts profile. You must also continue to provide a 60-minute time slot (NRTP only), even on competition days.
Whilst travelling abroad you should use the travel function in ADAMS. This should be used for all travel, and it must be used when you are unable to provide a 60-minute time slot between 5am and 11pm or an overnight accommodation entry due to travel. You should also include all travel details, e.g. flight numbers and air carriers
Last-minute, unplanned emergency changes to your Whereabouts information can be made directly on the ADAMS website.
If you retire from sport when you are on a Testing Pool, then you must let FIAS know as soon as possible. If you choose to return to sport, you must give six months’ written notice to FIAS. If you do not provide FIAS with six months’ notice of your intentions to return to sport, any competitive results obtained during this period shall be disqualified.
Whereabouts failure
If you file your Whereabouts late, forget to update any changes or are not where you say you are, you could receive a Whereabouts Failure.
Filing Failure – If an athlete on a testing pool provides inaccurate or insufficient Whereabouts information which means they are not accessible for testing, they are subject to what is called a Filing Failure. These can also be issued if an athlete does not file the required Whereabouts information by the quarterly deadline.
Missed Test (RTP only) – Athletes on the RTP can be subject to a Missed Test if they are not available for testing during their 60-minute timeslot.
Three Whereabouts failures in a rolling 12-month period leads to:
- RTP = Anti-Doping Rule Violation and a potential two-year ban from sport
- TP = Added to the RTP
How to submit your whereabouts
- Go to the address: www.adams.wada-ama.org. Use your username and password provided by FIAS to enter the online database system
- To help you fill out your calendar correctly and efficiently, you can consult the ADAMS training and user guides available on the WADA website and/or watch ADAMS Whereabouts Tutorial video.
- Once you have filled everything out in ADAMS and submitted your whereabouts, ensure that your ADAMS page clearly states “SUBMITTED” next to the relevant quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4), in the menu on the left under “Whereabouts”.
- Remember that your whereabouts must be written in Latin characters
Your quarterly whereabouts MUST include:
- An up-to-date mailing address and e-mail address
- A daily residence for each day of the quarter
- A one-hour testing time slot for each day of the quarter (between 6am and 11pm)
- Training whereabouts (training venue addresses + training schedules)
- All regular activities (work, school, etc)
- Your competition details (venue addresses and schedules)
- Your travelling schedules
Our tips to not fail:
- Be as precise as possible to enable unannounced tests (do not expect a phone call!) Please supply entrance pass codes to buildings and give clear directions to the buildings/rooms in order to ensure your accessibility to the doping control officers.
- It is important that the information that is filed is accurate at all times so REMEMBER TO UPDATE your whereabouts as soon as you are aware of a change in your schedule or if a change of address is applicable.
- In the unlikely event that ADAMS is not available online, you should email us your whereabouts update to anti-doping@sambo-fias.com (marked “Private and Confidential” and in as much detail as required by the International Standard for Testing).
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