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- Polish Sambo Association
11th June 2011 there was a meeting in Bialystok of the leaders of three clubs that by means of the resolution no 1 created organization promoting Sambo in Poland called Sambo Association.
9th August 2011 XII Division of Economics of District Court in Bialystok, Poland entered Sambo Association into registry of nongovernmental organizations.
16th August 2011 Ministry of Sports of Poland received application for permission to create Polish Sambo Association.
11th November 2011 during XII FIAS Congress in Vilnius Sambo Association received certificate of membership of the international organization promoting Sambo.
30th January 2012 Ministry of Sports rejected plea for creating legal unit of Polish Sport Association (that decision was appealed).
12th January 2012 Sambo Association applied to the court to change the range of activities and the name therefore since 12th January it is called Polish Sambo Association.
Polish Sambo Association has all the rights of polish sport association but it cannot be subsidized by Ministry of Sports.
Sambo was mentioned for the first in the chronicles in the 80s. Coaches and competitors from USSR came to Poland to train in Cracow, Warsaw, Bialystok, Wroclaw. At the time it was hardly possible to develop it and the political views of 90s made it almost impossible. Training Sambo was a secret even those who were doing it did not reveal it. Despite this there were emerging independent groups.
A few people from the martial arts community tried promoting Sambo: Wiesław Błach, Włodzimierz Pashyts, Oleksandr Gorbatiuk. Each of them in the different part of Poland. At the end of 90s emerged the idea of creating Polish Sambo Association unfortunately at that time it was not possible. Law regulations did not give such an opportunity.
In 2003 Marek Porycki (at the time instructor of taekwondo and international police defense tactics) and Oleksandr Gorbatiuk met for the first time at the plan of TV program. It was back then when Marek Porycki got to know Sambo and started his training being supervised by Oleksandr Gorbatiuk.
One can say that after taking into consideration all the efforts promoting Sambo has never gone so far thanks to vice-president of Polish Sambo Association Oleksandr Gorbatiuk who encouraged the rest of the members.
Clubs and competitors
6 clubs in Poland have been registered.
There are about 250 competitors.
There are about 30 competitors who take part in tournaments on regular basis.
It is very small number but one has to take into consideration short period of existing of Association and the actual time of starting activities.
Taking part in the international competitions for the first time Wladywostok 2003.
2nd place at the Sambo World Championship of Veterans Kowno 2009.
3rd place at the Sambo World Championship of Veterans Prague 2010.