Demonstration of Beach SAMBO was held in the Republic of Benin

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14 September 2018 Aleksandr Solomahin
Demonstration of Beach SAMBO was held in the Republic of Benin

Beninese Sambo Federation organized a large demonstration beach SAMBO tournament timed to coincide with the end of school holidays and the start of the new sporting season.

Demonstration of Beach SAMBO was held in the Republic of Benin

On September 9 children, young people, and adults demonstrated the techniques of beach SAMBO on Fidjrosse beach in Cotonou.

Demonstration of Beach SAMBO was held in the Republic of Benin

School children and students who attended the tournament received training uniform kits from the national SAMBO Federation.

Demonstration of Beach SAMBO was held in the Republic of Benin

The event was actively covered by representatives of local media.

Demonstration of Beach SAMBO was held in the Republic of Benin

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