• Sambo Federation of Nepal took part in the celebration of the Olympic Day 2015

Sambo Federation of Nepal took part in the celebration of the Olympic Day 2015

29 June 2015 Sergei Grishin
Sambo Federation of Nepal took part in the celebration of the Olympic Day 2015

For 11 days, from June 13 to 23, in Nepal events were held dedicated to the celebration of the Olympic Day 2015. One of these days, June 20, was marked by sambo, it’s when competitions were held among the young lovers of this sport. The event was supported by the Commission of "Sport for All" of the National Olympic Committee of Nepal.

"For Nepali sambists this Olympic Day was a great opportunity to learn more about many of the Olympic values, such as friendship and respect. And for fans of the sport in our country, the fact that sambo has participated in such a grand event was a chance to get acquainted with the wonderful sport of sambo,"- commented on the event the President of the Sambo Federation of Nepal Dananzhayya Shrestha.

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At the end of the event the Sambo Federation of Nepal was awarded a certificate in which the representatives of the National Olympic Committee of the country and the Commission of "Sport for All" thank the federation for the "valuable contributions and tireless work" that allowed a successful Olympic Day to happen.

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