• Fedor Emelianenko arrived to the European Sambo Championships in Serbia

Fedor Emelianenko arrived to the European Sambo Championships in Serbia

8 May 2024 FIAS
Fedor Emelianenko arrived to the European Sambo Championships in Serbia

In Belgrade a press conference was held on May 8 with the participation of the FIAS and SAMBO ambassador Fedor Emelianenko, dedicated to the upcoming European Sambo Championships, which will be held on May 9-12 in the city of Novi Sad.


The event was also attended by Vice-President of the European Sambo Federation Patrick Drid.


In addition, Fedor Emelianenko visited the Temple of St. Sava, the Belgrade Kalemegdan fortress, and also took part in many impromptu photo sessions with Belgrade residents on the streets of the city.




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