• International SAMBO Tournament Was Held In Lüneburg

International SAMBO Tournament Was Held In Lüneburg

14 June 2018 Aleksandr Solomahin
International SAMBO Tournament Was Held In Lüneburg

The international SAMBO tournament ("Interanationaler Hansepokal im SAMBO") was held on June 9 in Lüneburg, Germany. 22 teams from Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Romania, Uzbekistan, the Czech Republic and, of course, Germany, took part in the competitions.

Международный турнир по самбо «Interanationaler Hansepokal im SAMBO»

‘At the competitions, we’ve seen everything that makes SAMBO so beautiful: spectacular throws, the will to win, the tears of defeat and the delights of victory. One reason why this tournament is so marvelous is because it welcomes both little kids of five and above and experienced veterans of our favorite martial art,’ says Andrei Herzen, one of the German SAMBO coaches. ‘And we learned what heroic acts are sometimes performed in daily life, for the sake of SAMBO. Lithuanian girl Roberta Kondratteyte covers a distance of 70 km (there and back) in order to attend SAMBO classes twice a week. For such love of SAMBO, the organizers awarded her a special prize.’

Международный турнир по самбо «Interanationaler Hansepokal im SAMBO»

The results of the tournament in the team standings

1. SAMBO COMBAT GRYPHON e.V. (Berlin, Germany)

2. vfl e.V Lüneburg (Germany)

3. Combined team of Lithuanian clubs

Международный турнир по самбо «Interanationaler Hansepokal im SAMBO»

The participants of the tournament expressed their gratitude to the organizers of the competitions, especially praising the inspirer of the "Interanationaler Hansepokal im SAMBO" tournament Oleg Derkach.

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