• National seminar for SAMBO referees and coaches was held in Venezuela

National seminar for SAMBO referees and coaches was held in Venezuela

23 May 2024 FIAS
National seminar for SAMBO referees and coaches was held in Venezuela

The city of Maracay, which is the capital of the state of Aragua, became the venue for a national seminar for sambo referees and coaches in Venezuela. Representatives from 12 states of the country took part in the educational program.


In total, the seminar was attended by more than 40 people. They were trained under the guidance of experienced referees and coaches of the Venezuelan Sambo Federation. Karelia Granadillo revealed the nuances of the work of referees at Sport SAMBO competitions. Alcides Guevara dedicated the participants to the particular work of the competition secretaries, focusing on the drawing of rivals. Carlos Arteaga spoke about the intricacies of Combat SAMBO refereeing, and Luis Adrianza conducted a coaching seminar.


“We pay great attention to constant work with coaching and refereeing personnel, because it is important for athletes that they are not only properly trained, but also that refereeing at competitions is carried out competently and as objectively as possible. Seminars and educational activities in general play an important role for the development of these areas,” emphasized the President of the Venezuelan Sambo Federation, Cesar Arteaga.

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