• Open SAMBO Championships of the United Kingdom Held in Folkestone

Open SAMBO Championships of the United Kingdom Held in Folkestone

27 February 2019 FIAS
Open SAMBO Championships of the United Kingdom Held in Folkestone

The tournament was dedicated to the memory of the President of the British SAMBO Federation, a repeat winner of international SAMBO competitions, late Martin Clark who passed away in 2018.

Athletes from 18 countries came to participate in the Championships. Competitions were held among boys and girls, as well as among masters over 35 and over 45.

To honor the memory of the prominent British sambist, athletes who have achieved significant heights in SAMBO and gained deserved respect of the younger generation paraded on to the carpet.

Martin Clark was a leader able to consolidate athletes of all ages.

Izzy Namey and Phoebe Sprotson
Izzy Namey and Phoebe Sprotson

Stuart Watts and Brian Lister
Stuart Watts and Brian Lister

Brian Lister and Richard Williams
Brian Lister and Richard Williams

Oleg Sibilev and Kevin Humphreys
Oleg Sibilev and Kevin Humphreys

Photos provided by: The British Sambo Federation.

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