• New IUCN guide highlights how sports industry can contribute to biodiversity conservation

New IUCN guide highlights how sports industry can contribute to biodiversity conservation

13 April 2018 Aleksandr Solomahin
New IUCN guide highlights how sports industry can contribute to biodiversity conservation

Released by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - the world’s leading organisation for biodiversity conservation - Sport and Biodiversity was officially unveiled on 9 April during a workshop hosted by the IUCN at its offices in Gland, Switzerland. The event was attended by the IOC and other International Federations, including International SAMBO Federation (FIAS)

Sustainability drive

The guide puts forward advice and examples to demonstrate how sport can have a positive contribution to nature conservation. This includes preserving green spaces, enhancing natural habitats in urban environments, sharing biodiversity data collected during the development of venues, and supporting carbon offset projects that will also generate biodiversity benefits. The guide also outlines how decision-makers involved in all aspects of the sports industry - from planning and building venues to staging events - can reduce and avoid impacts on biodiversity.

Alliance between sport and nature

The intention is that a broad range of stakeholders involved in the planning and implementation of sporting events will benefit from the guidance offered, including city authorities, planners, architects, venue owners, government officials, national and international sports federations and local organising committees.

Duty of care

The guide is the first in a series that IUCN will produce as part of its partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Under the collaborative agreement, IUCN has provided input on the candidature process for the Olympic Games 2024, and other tasks related to IOC’s sustainability strategy.

The Sport and Biodiversity guide can be accessed online here

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