• Italian Federation of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Shootboxing, SAMBO, MMA (FEDERKOMBAT)

Italian Federation of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Shootboxing, SAMBO, MMA (FEDERKOMBAT)

Italy Italian Federation of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savate, Shootboxing, SAMBO, MMA (FEDERKOMBAT)
  • Riccardo Bergamini
    Riccardo Bergamini President
  • Roberto Ferraris
    Roberto Ferraris Head of Sambo Committee
Via Alessandro Manzoni, 18, 20900, Monza, Italy +39 3668321137 +39 039321804

Roberto Ferraris, after many years of activity in Sambo from 1979, with some others good friends of Sambo, in 2002 decided to keep alive this wonderful sport in Italy  and founded the first official Sambo Federation in Italy. 

The "Federazione Italiana Lotta Sambo" was born with a notarial act on 23/07/2002, legally has the figure of “Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica” non-profit, registered at the Sports Associations of the CONI No 73352 through annual membership Ente Sports Promotion ASI (Alleanza Sportiva Nazionale).
Currently, the “Federazione Italiana Lotta Sambo”, is not recognized as independent sport federation  by the Italian National Olympic Committee.

The italian Sambo federation is already behaving like a self-respect of sporting rules of CONI (as our bylaws) and organize the work of Sambo fairly and professionally, but until now has not its own recognizment by CONI.

As the Statute can join FILS individual members and / or others Sports Associations  who shall comply with provisions relating to the organizational Sambo by the FILS.

Currently about 600 practitioners adhere to the FILS distributed in 10 Italian regions: 1) Piemonte, 2) Friuli Venezia Giulia, 3) Veneto, 4) Lombardia, 5) Liguria, 6) Toscania, 7) Emilia Romagna 8) Lazio 9) Calabria, 10) Sicilia.

The FILS is the only organization in Italy which is recognized by FIAS and is therefore authorized by FIAS to organize the activities and the promotion of Sambo in accordance with international rules (training of technicians and officials, youth activities, athletic activities for all ages and amateur activities) and also to participate in official international events.


In Italy there are seminars and stages and several training in different cities, the individual national championship, the italian cup for teams and one tournament.

In details, each year organizes a national individual championship, reserved for all age groups male and female, attended by about 100 athletes.
Every year it organizes a national competition team, called the Italian Cup with the participation of 5-6 teams.
Each year there are at least eight interregional training in various regions of Italy and also many seminars for teachers or technicians and referees.
Each year, during the seminar of the European Sambo Federation, held examinations for new teachers technicians.

Every years Italian National Sambo team take part in Continental Championships, World Championships and International tournaments category “A” and category “B”.

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