Lithuanian Sambo Federation

Lithuania Lithuanian Sambo Federation
  • Linas Obcarskas
    Linas Obcarskas President
  • Eduardas Rudas
    Eduardas Rudas Secretary General
  • Feliksas Jankauskas
    Feliksas Jankauskas Vice-president
Zemaites str. 6-213, Vilnius, LT-03117 Lithuania +370 686 67 323

The Lithuanian Sambo Federation (LSF) joined FIAS in 1990 and the European Sambo Federation (ESF) in 1991. Since then 23 international category referees have been formed. 

The exceptionally large contribution to Sambo development in Lithuania made Prancishkus Eygminas (1936-2006). He did a lot for the sport in the European and global scale. P. Eygminas was interested in Sambo, being a student at Vilnius University. Soon he became the leader of the University section of Sambo. 

Team achievements 
The highest achievements of the Lithuanian team in team championships are in combat Sambo: twice became third at the World Championships in 2008 held in Saint- Petersburg (Russia), and in 2009 in Thessaloniki (Greece). As well as a second place at the European Championships in 2009 held Milan (Italy) was achieved. 

World Champions 
In the entire history of Lithuania on the highest step of the podium at the World championships were three athletes: Cheslovas Ezerskas, Eva Klimashauskene and Sergei Grechikho. 

The highest honours among the Lithuanian Sambo athletes  were Cheslovas Ezerskas, he won the first Open European Championships (1972), three-time world champion (1973, 1974, 1975), USSR champion (1972, 1975), winner of the Games of the peoples of the USSR (1975). Ezerskas’ coach is Yuri Kuritsyn, two-time USSR champion (1973-1974), vice-world champion (1974). 

Eva Klimashauskene (weight category - 64 kg, coach Vidas Klimashauskas) she is a World Champion (2004), Silver (2007) and bronze (2006) medals winner of the world championships, vice-champion of Europe (1998, 2004). 

Sergey Grechikho twice became World Champion (2007, 2009), Master of Combat Sambo.

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