• FIAS Congratulates the All-Russian SAMBO Federation on its 30th Anniversary

FIAS Congratulates the All-Russian SAMBO Federation on its 30th Anniversary

14 July 2020 FIAS
FIAS Congratulates the All-Russian SAMBO Federation on its 30th Anniversary

International SAMBO Federation with great pleasure congratulates the entire team of the All-Russian SAMBO Federation with a significant date – the 30th anniversary of the founding of the organization.

This is an important stage in the history of the sports federation, which for many years has been developing the best traditions of our beloved sport, contributing to the upbringing of the younger generation and the formation of a strong spirit of people with high moral guidelines.

Today, the All-Russian SAMBO Federation is a team of high-class professionals. Athletes, coaches, doctors, sports functionaries and other participants in the sports and educational process are an integral part of the SAMBO family. All of you are united by a love to SAMBO and a desire to popularize this sport in all corners of the globe.

The result of your common work is traditionally high achievements in the international arena. Russian sambists stably demonstrate a high level of sportsmanship, steadily withstanding the growing rivalry, which is becoming stronger every year.

We wish the All-Russian SAMBO Federation to continue to conquer new sports peaks and delight all fans of this sport with beautiful victories and high achievements!

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