Results of FIAS Independent Audit

22 July 2015 Sergei Grishin
Results of FIAS Independent Audit

The International Sambo Federation is not subject to audit of its aggregate financial indicators. However, in order to ensure financial transparency of activities in the framework of general recommendations of international sporting bodies, FIAS took the decision to undergo an independent audit of the International Sambo Federation.

In accordance with the FIAS Charter, the FIAS Congress has the exclusive right to appoint an auditor. In 2010, in Beijing (China), the FIAS Congress appointed FIREX AUDIT & CONSULTING SA as the auditor. In 2013, at the Congress in St. Petersburg (Russia), the authority of this auditor was confirmed. FIREX AUDIT & CONSULTING SA audited FIAS results for 2014. Following this audit, no irregularities were found.

The auditor's report can be found here.

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