• SAMBO tournament named after Vladimir Kulkov was held in Acapulco

SAMBO tournament named after Vladimir Kulkov was held in Acapulco

11 June 2024 FIAS
SAMBO tournament named after Vladimir Kulkov was held in Acapulco

The national SAMBO tournament named after Vladimir Kulkov was held in Acapulco. More than 80 athletes from different states of Mexico took part in the competition: Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Queretaro, Baja California, Mexico City.


“Among the competition participants there were also representatives of such important educational institutions as National Autonomous University of Mexico and National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, and this once again confirms the fact that the SAMBO family is rapidly developing and becoming larger,” said the President of the National Sambo Federation of Mexico, Jose Angel Arteaga.


In one of the sports complexes in Acapulco, competitions in Sport and Combat SAMBO were held for both men and women. The next day, men and women competed for medals in the Beach SAMBO tournament on Playa El Tamarindo. This tournament became a qualifier for the Pan American Championship, which will be held in August in Brazil.

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