"Berliniada-2018" was held in Germany

3 December 2018 Aleksandr Solomahin
"Berliniada-2018" was held in Germany

International sambo tournament "Berliniada-2018", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of SAMBO, was held November 24-25 in Germany. About 300 athletes from 28 teams from England, Armenia, Russia, Romania, Tajikistan, Ukraine and, of course, Germany took part in the competition.


Organizers note the high level of competition in the tournament. Despite the titles, even the masters had to keep the fight from beginners. And this is not surprising: having overcome a long distance, each athlete tried his best to go as far as possible along the tournament grid. According to the results of two days of hard struggle, the winners and prize-winners of the competitions were determined.

Team results

1. SAMBO COMBAT GRYPHON e.V. Berlin (Berlin)
2. Sambo Lviv Federation (Ukraine)
3. SOC CHAI Gym (Berlin)

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