• FIAS publishes its First Comprehensive Sustainability Report

FIAS publishes its First Comprehensive Sustainability Report

5 February 2016 Sergei Grishin
FIAS publishes its First Comprehensive Sustainability Report

FIAS is proud to publish the first sustainability report, based on its two events namely, Youth and Junior World SAMBO Championships, 2015 in Riga, Latvia and the World SAMBO Championships, 2015 in Casablanca, Morocco.

The report contain all elements that were used to conduct a sustainable event, ranging from the Governance and Compliance of FIAS to the Environmental, Economic and Social Initiatives. The report also highlights the future initiatives for the events from 2016 to promote sustainability within FIAS members and local organizers of SAMBO events. The G4, Global Reporting Initiative and the AISTS Sustainability Sports & Events Toolkit were used to frame this report. The report is also linked with the proposed Sustainable Development Goals 2015. Eight out of seventeen goals are addressed.

FIAS would like to thank to all members, event organisers and stakeholders for their support in protecting our environment and would like to stress the importance of further collaboration in ensuring of sustainable practices at SAMBO events.

In FIAS mission to achieve the Olympic Recognition, this report also abides to the Olympic Agenda 2020 recommendations, with some of our sustainability actions. FIAS is honoured to thank the AISTS for their continued support and encouragement for the sustainability report. Please click on the link to read the report.

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