• FIAS invites you to take part in BiggerThanTheGame Survey

FIAS invites you to take part in BiggerThanTheGame Survey

27 September 2023 FIAS
FIAS invites you to take part in BiggerThanTheGame Survey

The International Sambo Federation invites all sports fans to take part in the “BiggerThanTheGame” survey for the Climate Action Framework program of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This research aims to make a difference in shaping a more sustainable and resilient world.

At the heart of the theme is Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13), also known as Global Goal 13, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. SDG 13 calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its far-reaching impacts.


To unlock the full potential of sports as a catalyst for climate action, it's imperative that we tap into the potential for genuine mass engagement. Guided by the GRI Reporting Principles and Standards, the world recognizes that "Sport is also an important enabler of sustainable development." Each sports event wields influence over the three pillars of sustainability management: Economic, Environmental and Social.

Every fan holds a unique voice that can contribute to meaningful change. We invite you to share your thoughts on the intersection of sports, community, and climate through the #BiggerThanTheGame survey and to use this hashtag in social media to share your vision

Join us in this important endeavour as we recognize that our actions in this arena are indeed #BiggerThanTheGame!

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