FIAS Held an Anti-Doping Seminar in Mexico

31 July 2018 Aleksandr Solomahin
FIAS Held an Anti-Doping Seminar in Mexico

Fourth consecutive year, prior to the Pan-American SAMBO Championships FIAS organised the Anti-Doping educational seminars for athletes, coaches and team representatives covering large scope of issues. In Acapulco, more than 50 participants from 22 countries took part in the seminar.

This year the main theme was specifically dedicated to the rights and responsibilities of the athletes and athletes’entourage. In the course of the presentation we stressed the importance of the doping control process, the use of the TUE, process of the results management, importance of the education and the newly launched the whistleblowers programme.

ФИАС провела антидопинговый семинар в Мексике

In addition to the theoretical section, the presentation also included an interactive quiz, where the participants actively collaborated and answer the theme-related questions. Following the presentation, the National Federation representatives had chance to response to the prepared questionnaire in order to be able to receive certificates of participation in the Anti-Doping seminar.

The crowded auditorium and the intensive activity of the participants confirmed the correct choice of the seminar format. In the final part of the meeting, participants inveterate the relevance and importance of such seminars.

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