Nice to meet you! Hawashi Sofiane Ben Ali

Full Name: Hawashi Sofiane Ben Ali
Country: Tunisia
Date of Birth: 11.06.1988
When started practise SAMBO: 2010
SAMBO achievements: Champion of Africa
1. Why do you like SAMBO? Why did you start practising martial arts?
This is due to my love of martial arts. I have loved martial arts since my childhood, as it is a sport for real men. It strengthens the body, makes a man strong, and allows you to become more self-confident as well.
2. Why have chosen SAMBO? How does it differ from other martial arts?
This is a combat sport which requires a high level of physical and moral qualities. SAMBO is martial arts with a large number of techniques. Thanks to SAMBO I become braver and stronger.
3. Are there many sportsmen involved in SAMBO in your country?
Today, all these people gathered in our team. However, there are guys who look at us and are willing to join. I think that SAMBO has a great future in our country.
4. Do disinterested people in your country know about SAMBO? Is it covered in the media?
Very few of my countrymen know about this sport. I think this is due to the fact that the media covers only the most important tournaments, which are not held as often as we would like. But I think the situation will change soon.
5. What your achievement do you consider most important? What tournament was the most memorable?
Gold Medal at the African SAMBO Championship is my most significant award for today. As for SAMBO tournaments in which I was privileged to participate, this is Kazan 2013 Summer Universiade. At the Games I performed as a coach and I really enjoyed it. It is difficult to imagine what emotions got the sportsmen who took part in the competition.
6. Is there a moment in your athletic career which you now regret?
I try not to focus on the mistakes or failures, so there is nothing to regret. Of course, I analyze what happened, but I try not to think about negative things.
7. Who is your main fan?
I do not have a personal fan. I try to act in a way to be proud of myself, and make my country proud of me. If spectators enjoy my struggle, so I am doing the right thing.
8. Where do you work out? What conditions for training do you have?
Since we do not have a special SAMBO hall, now I work out in the hall for judo. Unfortunately, there are some administrative obstacles to be overcome in order to practise SAMBO. But I cope with it.
9. Did you use SAMBO techniques in everyday life? How do you resolve conflicts?
SAMBO is self-defense without weapons. I had to repeatedly use the SAMBO techniques for self-defense. If I am provoked, I know how to react.
10. What would you tell about SAMBO to a person who never heard of it before?
I would describe the various aspects of the sport in detail, highlighting the peculiarities that distinguish SAMBO from other martial arts.
11. Do you have a sporting dream? What is it?
Like many sportsmen, I dream of an Olympic medal. Gold one would be perfect.
12. What do you do in real life besides SAMBO?
I love martial arts, so when I am not practising SAMBO, I am doing other martial arts.
13. Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?
My favourite leisure is sports. Therefore, football can be called a hobby of mine. And, of course, I love spending time with family and friends, with my close people.
Prepared by Sofya Ryazanova and Alexander Solomakhin
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