• Sambists chose the updated composition of the FIAS Athletes Commission

Sambists chose the updated composition of the FIAS Athletes Commission

5 December 2023 FIAS
Sambists chose the updated composition of the FIAS Athletes Commission

The elections of four new members of the International Sambo Federation's Athletes Commission took place in Yerevan during the World Championships on November 10-12. Based on the results of the vote count, Margarita Bazhayeva from Kazakhstan, Sasha Buwalda from the Netherlands, Sydney Sy from the Philippines and Seidou Nji Mouluh from Cameroon were elected to the commission.


Every sambist who took part in the World Championships in Armenia had the right to vote in the election of members of the FIAS Athletes Commission. Athletes could choose 4 people out of 6 candidates as their representatives. Based on the results of processing the ballots, it turned out that 61.7% of the tournament participants voted, and the votes were distributed almost evenly. Only a slight advantage in the number of votes helped four candidates to win.

So, who are these representatives of the interests, rights, wishes and voices of athletes?

Sacha Buwalda


Sacha Buwalda has been participating in the World SAMBO Championships (for Youth) since 2016 and has gained a deep understanding of the sport's environment. She reflects on her journey:

"I have overcome many injuries, so I know everything about perseverance and the support you need from your fellow sambist to keep going and enjoying the sport."

She has organized her motivation to become a candidate for the FIAS commission into clear objectives and goals. These include setting a positive example, developing mentorship and coaching, increasing the promotion of the sport, advocating for team competitions, organizing training camps, maintaining a robust online presence, collaborating with national and international sports organizations, and emphasizing the sense of community within the SAMBO world.

"I am going to stay passionate and determined to promote the sport of sambo and motivate young people," she said.

Margarita Bazhayeva


Margarita Bazhayeva expresses her deep love for sports, approaching it with immense respect and responsibility. Every day, she dedicates herself to pursuing a goal, committing to rigorous training with the belief that one should "go to sleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose."

Margarita finds genuine enjoyment in the training process and envisions connecting her future endeavours beyond her sports career with the realm of science. She has already written a master's thesis focusing on the psychological preparation of female wrestlers.

"In the near future, I plan to obtain a doctorate in physical education and sports and contribute to sports development," Margarita said.

Seidou Nji Mouluh


The First African Combat Sambo Champion, Seidou Nji Mouluh, believes:

"I can be very effective in raising awareness, training, volunteering, perseverance, discipline, respect and responsibility that falls on athletes worldwide. Even with small means, we can work hard for the effective development of Sambo and achieve outstanding results. I have experienced this myself and am eager to share my knowledge and experience with the other athletes".

He is confident that the future of SAMBO as an Olympic sport hinge on discovering ways to understand its philosophy, and athletes, naturally, share responsibility for shaping this future.

Sydney Sy


Sydney Sy is a two-time elected member of the FIAS Athletes Commission, and she is truly honoured to be a part of FIAS AC and to represent SAMBO. In June 2023, Sydney completed her Bachelor of Science in Fitness and Sports Management at the University of Santo Tomas Manila and set ambitious goals that are desired by all sambists:

"My vision and motivation as a candidate of the FIAS Athletes Commission is for SAMBO to be included in the Olympic Program in the edition of the Olympics. To achieve that, everybody in the SAMBO community must do our part to develop, propagate, and spread awareness of the beautiful sport through significant activities."

The FIAS Athletes' Commission represents the athletes within the FIAS, protects their interests, and upholds their rights and obligations. The current composition, including the new members, is as follows:

- Ms. Paule SITCHEPING (CMR/Africa)

- Mr. Angel DELGADO (MEX/Pan-America)

- Mr. Jaeyong SHIN (KOR/Asia)

- Ms. Sydney SY (PHI/Asia)

- Ms. Sacha BUWALDA (NED/Europe)

- Ms. Margarita BAZHAYEVA(KAZ/Asia)

- Mr. Seidou NJI MOULUH (CMR/Africa)

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