They learn SAMBO in Guatemala, using Safe Falling Technique

Safe Falling Technique isn’t only a special training programme, developed by FIAS, but also a means to promote SAMBO in new countries. The latest confirmation of this came from Guatemala, where they started studying Safe Falling Technique in schools. As early as from childhood pupils of different classes are gaining skills that enable them to protect themselves from injuries during a fall, and also get the first lessons in SAMBO. There is no doubt that both the first and the second will make good use for them.
For 6 weeks more than 500 pupils of the Guatemalan city of Chichicastenango completed training of the Safe Falling programme in schools. Now the guys have an understanding of how to behave if they will slip accidentally, as well as they got an opportunity to continue their way of knowing SAMBO in the future.
– The facilities are the biggest challenge in promoting SAMBO in “new countries”. “It is not too difficult to “communicate” SAMBO, but it doesn’t always work as quickly as we would like to support and provide all enthusiasts with mats and uniform, – says Andrew Moshanov, Director on Development of FIAS. – The Safe Falling programme is a unique tool, because you can start without a full set of SAMBO mats. Each school has an elementary set of gymnastic mats that can be used at the initial stage – namely, for learning the Falling technique.
Recall, FIAS is working towards the systematic introduction of the Safe Falling skills training in educational programmes of schools, colleges and universities. The International SAMBO Federation will provide overall management of the programme, as well as provide personnel training for the national federations. The objectives of the programme fully conform to the UN Millenium Goals UN Programme, which focuses on improving the quality of life of people in the XXI century.
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