• FIAS and ComplexCore held educational webinars for sambists

FIAS and ComplexCore held educational webinars for sambists

5 May 2021 FIAS
FIAS and ComplexCore held educational webinars for sambists

A series of training webinars, organized jointly by the International SAMBO Federation and ComplexCore specialists, took place at the end of April. Participants in the 3-hour webinar received a number of theoretical recommendations as well as practical exercises. In total, 3 sessions were held in English, identical in content, but with different translations: into Russian, Spanish and French. This made it possible in order to convey information as accurately as possible to as many willing and interested people as possible.

“Perfect technique, useful tips for every level of physical condition, great experience supported by success of the first webinar in January served as a reason for expanding cooperation of the International SAMBO Federation with ComplexCore specialists. FIAS sees this collaboration as opportunity for all its members to enhance their knowledge and prepare safe environment on field of play by reduce risks of athlete injury. This time, there was prepared an even more specific online training for the SAMBO community”, — FIAS international department noted.

ComplexCore — is a training concept for the core, arm, and leg muscles, developed by Roman Jahoda, former judo top athlete from Austria, over many years in collaboration with the sports physiotherapists. With clear and easy-to-understand explanations, a simple structure, and personalised plans, it is perfect for therapists, patients, recreational athletes and elite level athletes.

Anyone interested in learning how to prevent injuries and improve their results in SAMBO could take part, ask questions during the webinar and try to repeat the exercises. However, both those who were unable to connect to the webinar in time, and those who did, but want to repeat the experience again, will have access to the webinar recording and PDF files of the exercise technique in the near future.

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