• At the FIAS International Seminar in Bishkek, the coaches offered to conduct joint training with referees

At the FIAS International Seminar in Bishkek, the coaches offered to conduct joint training with referees

10 November 2022 Aleksandr Solomahin
At the FIAS International Seminar in Bishkek, the coaches offered to conduct joint training with referees

The FIAS International Coaches Seminar was held on the eve of the start of the World SAMBO Championships in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). More than 30 specialists from various countries took part in the event, which took place on November 8-9 under the leadership of the Executive Director of FIAS, Professor Sergey Tabakov. The seminar gave the participants an opportunity not only to gain new knowledge and share experiences, but also to jointly develop a new concept of educational events.


“To meet the wishes of the coaches, we have organized this seminar on the eve of the World SAMBO Championships, the main tournament of the year in the FIAS international calendar,” said Sergey Tabakov. – We are faced with the task of uniting the international coaching community so that such communication is a system, and we did not persuade specialists to come and listen to us, but together with the coaches we made our beloved SAMBO even better. I am sure that after this seminar, its participants will have a slightly different attitude towards what they are doing.”

The participants of the seminar also said that the desire to meet and discuss various issues with the FIAS sports management was mutual.


“The situation is long overdue for coaches to have the opportunity to communicate and ask questions to representatives of the International SAMBO Federation, the leadership of the FIAS refereeing panel,” Roman Shakirov, the head coach of the Uzbekistan SAMBO team, shared his opinion. – Sergey Evgenievich Tabakov is a SAMBO professor. He showed us many things that, when we return home, we will demonstrate to our pupils and teach them these tricks. The participation of coaches in such seminars raises the level of SAMBO all over the world. Such events are very necessary and important, we are very pleased.”

The seminar was attended by highly experienced trainers from different countries, who, it would seem, have nothing to learn. However, they themselves, following the results of training, argued the opposite.


“No one person can know everything, so even the most experienced trainers benefit from participating in such seminars. A big plus of such events is that we were able to exchange experience with representatives of other countries. I am sure that this is for the benefit of all participants, and most importantly, for the benefit of the world SAMBO,” said Vasil Sokolov, a well-known Bulgarian specialist.

This point of view was confirmed by the mentor of the seminar Sergey Tabakov.


“As a teacher who has been training coaching staff for 30 years, looking at the participants, I see that somewhere is dense, and somewhere empty. It cannot be said that the coaches are consistently exactly in the material. And our task is to level this situation so that there are no gaps in the training of specialists,” he said.

In the course of the seminar, the participants enthusiastically discussed disputable situations on the mat, finding out which technical action is evaluated and which passes without evaluation. Opinions were expressed and examples from various competitions were given. As a result, the participants came to the decision that it would be useful to hold a joint seminar of coaches and referees.


“Of course, we would like our referees to take part in such seminars. Referees must see the technique in order to be able to blow or not blow a whistle in time, evaluating this or that action on the mat,” said Roman Shakirov.

This opinion was supported by other participants.

“Today there was a lot of discussion about in which situations the technical action on the mat is evaluated and in which it is not evaluated. Many coaches expressed their points of view, but in the end we came to the decision that the best option would be to hold a seminar together with the referees and analyze the controversial situations together,” said Vasil Sokolov.


Sergey Tabakov summed up the statements of the participants.

“During the seminar, a desire was unanimously developed to hold a large joint camp of coaches and referees. This is useful for both parties, and also allows us to explain all the changes that are taking place in the International SAMBO Rules. During such events, there is an opportunity for all parties to hear each other and come to a suitable solution together,” he said.


This idea was accepted for further study. And the seminar, in addition to new knowledge and skills, has become a kind of team building for experienced coaches from different countries.

“Coaches from different countries actively communicated with each other, shared their best practices, gave various advice. Such communication is necessary, it allows everyone to develop and move forward together. And the experience and knowledge gained in the course of interaction with representatives of different countries, each coach will be able to apply in the course of training athletes at home,” Roman Shakirov is sure.


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